Connecting K-12 Education Programs and Manufacturers

This website provides a forum for K-12 educators and employers to collaborate and problem solve as they refine and build high-impact manufacturing pathways. It will also inform students and families about the great career opportunities available in manufacturing. The website includes school program information, research studies, a comprehensive map of CT manufacturers, tools, and resources to enhance pathway development.

What does it take to build careers?

Effective School Programs

Finding Schools with Career Programs for Manufacturing

We conducted a comprehensive inventory of manufacturing career pathway programs and initiatives across K-12 school districts in Connecticut. Through the school reports and interactive map of school programs, manufacturers, as well as educators, can discover best practices to help them develop new programs and partnerships.

Learn more here

Organizations and Partnerships

Working together to align educational curricula with employer needs.

To continue Connecticut’s trajectory of success in developing effective manufacturing pathways, manufacturers and workforce development organizations need to understand the current state of K-12 education programs. Through collaboration and problem-solving, these high-impact pathway programs can be refined and expanded.

Learn more here