School Information
613 Upper Maple StDanielson, CT 06239
Program of Studies
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View WebsiteProgram Overview
Precision Machining
Brief DescriptionStudents in grades 9 - 12 rotate between academics and shop where they learn basic manual machining and CNC machining.
Program Focus
Year Program Started
Grade Level Sequence
9, 10, 11, 12
Academic Design and Delivery
Are prerequisite courses required to enter the program?
Number of courses required to complete or offered in the program:
Total credits required to complete the program:
Industry-recognized credentials
Program Standards
Stakeholders participating in program review
Opportunities to earn credit articulating to the next level of education
Articulation agreements
Number of courses required to complete or offered in the program:
Total credits required to complete the program:
Industry-recognized credentials
National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS)
Program Standards
Stakeholders participating in program review
Education: This may include a high school diploma or equivalent, postsecondary degree or completion of postsecondary level CTE coursework.
Work Experience: This may include completion of a specified number of hours or years of work or apprenticeship experience in the occupational area.
Teacher or CTE Training: This may include completion of professional learning or training required for teachers generally, professional learning or training in the CTE field or in a specific occupational area, mentorship experience, or other pedagogical training.
Opportunities to earn credit articulating to the next level of education
Articulation agreements
Industry Partnerships
Does program curricula incorporate employability skill standards?
Program/business partnerships
Work-based learning opportunities/internships
Cooperative work education, Simulated work environments
Program/business partnerships
Work-based learning opportunities/internships
Cooperative work education, Simulated work environments
Student Recruitment and Engagement
How programs are marketed
Printed materials, Guidance activities
Program data collection
No response
Printed materials, Guidance activities
Program data collection
No response