Company Information

Number of Employees 4

Chem-Tron Painting & Powder Coating, Inc. is primarily engaged in performing the following types of services on metals, for the trade: (1) enameling, lacquering, and varnishing metal products; (2) hot dip galvanizing of mill sheets, plates and bars, castings, and formed products fabricated of iron and steel; hot dip coating such items with aluminum, lead, or zinc; retinning cans and utensils; (3) engraving, chasing and etching jewelry, silverware, notarial and other seals, and other metal products for purposes other than printing; and (4) other metal services, not elsewhere classified. Also included in this industry are establishments which perform these types of activities on their own account on purchased metals or formed products.

NAICS 2017 Code 332812
D-U-N-S® Number 791541860

Contact Information

Address 92 Taylor St, Danbury, CT 06810-6986
Phone 1-203-743-5131

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