Company Information

Number of Employees 75

Electric Cable Compounds, Inc. is primarily engaged in manufacturing synthetic resins, plastics materials, and nonvulcanizable elastomers. Important products of this industry include: cellulose plastics materials; phenolic and other tar acid resins; urea and melamine resins; vinyl resins; styrene resins; alkyd resins; acrylic resins; polyethylene resins; polypropylene resins; rosin modified resins; coumarone-indene and petroleum polymer resins; miscellaneous resins, including polyamide resins, silicones, polyisobutylenes, polyesters, polycarbonate resins, acetal resins, and fluorohydrocarbon resins; and casein plastics.

NAICS 2017 Code 325211
D-U-N-S® Number 602796831

Contact Information

Contact Name Ida Fridland
Title Chief Executive Officer
Address 108 Rado Dr, Naugatuck, CT 06770-2211
Phone 1-203-723-2590

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