Company Information

Number of Employees 200

The people at MacDermid strive to always make a good impression. The Platform Specialty Products company makes a range of specialty chemicals used in electronics (for etching and to imprint electrical patterns on circuit boards), graphic arts (for image transfers), metal and plastics finishing, and oil and gas exploration. It markets and produces more than 5,000 proprietary chemical compounds, used for cleaning, coating, electroplating, etching, mechanical galvanizing, and rust retarding applications. MacDermid also distributes chemical supplies of other companies and produces horizontal processing equipment used in circuit board production and chemical machining.

NAICS 2017 Code 325612
D-U-N-S® Number 1164599

Contact Information

Contact Name Paul Bray
Title Managing Director
Address 245 Freight St, Waterbury, CT 06702-1818
Phone 1-203-575-5700

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