School Reports

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Bristol Public Schools


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Bristol Public Schools’ Manufacturing Production Pathway. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Colchester Public School Bacon Academy


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Colchester Public Schools’ Bacon Academy Manufacturing Program. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Connecticut River Academy Early College


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and specific to the manufacturing program at Connecticut River Academy at Goodwin University. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and June 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Eli Whitney Technical High School


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Eli Whitney Technical High School’s Manufacturing for Industry Program. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Hamden High School


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Hamden High School’s Hamden Engineering Careers Academy. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Manchester High School


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Manchester High School’s Manufacturing Program. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

New Britain High School’s Academy of Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to New Britain High School’s Academy of Manufacturing, Engineering & Technology’s Manufacturing Pathway. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

RHAM High School


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to RHAM High School’s Manufacturing for Industry Program. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Tourtellotte Memorial High School


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Tourtellotte Memorial High School’s Manufacturing Pathway. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Vinal Technical High School


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Vinal Technical High School’s Precision Machining Technology Program. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Wallingford School District’s Lyman Hall and Mark T. Sheehan High Schools


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Wallingford School District’s Pre-Engineering and Advanced Manufacturing Pathways at Lyman Hall and Mark T. Sheehan High Schools. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

Waterbury Career Academy


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to Waterbury Career Academy’s Manufacturing Academy. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.

William M. Davies, Jr. Career and Technical High School


This program review report includes observations and key takeaways from data collected as part of the Manufacturing Skills for Connecticut project and is specific to William M. Davies, Jr. Career and Technical High School’s Machine Technology Program. The report summarizes information gathered by WestEd between November 2020 and July 2021 through document reviews, surveys, and virtual site visits.