School Information
35 Wheelbarrow LnEast Haven, CT 06513
Program of Studies
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Program Overview
Capstone Wood/CNC Technology Education
Brief DescriptionThe program is part of a "Capstone Experience" that allows students to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they acquired during their secondary school years which: 1.) Engage students in a project/experience that focuses on a career path or academic pursuit 2.) Build on existing experiences and "stretch" to reach new goals and objectives 3.) Synthesize classroom study with "real world" perspectives 4.) Involves planning, completing, and presenting a culminating project as part of a CTE course pathway.
Year Program Started
Grade level that first course in sequence is offered
Manufacturing Production
Academic Design and Delivery
Number of courses required to complete or offered in the program:
Total credits required to complete the program:
Program Standards
Stakeholders participating in program review
Education: This may include a high school diploma or equivalent, postsecondary degree or completion of postsecondary level CTE coursework.
Work Experience: This may include completion of a specified number of hours or years of work or apprenticeship experience in the occupational area.
Certification: This may include possession of an industry-recognized license or certification.
Assessments: This may include the successful completion of testing in CTE subject matter, content area expertise, or other relevant knowledge.
Teacher or CTE Training: This may include completion of professional learning or training required for teachers generally, professional learning or training in the CTE field or in a specific occupational area, mentorship experience, or other pedagogical training.
Industry Partnerships
How are employability skill standards incorporated into the program?
Presentation, resume writing, interviewing, research & organization, work ethic, record keeping, safety. The ability to Plan - Research - Do - Present - Evaluate.
Program/business partnerships
Community Partners
Advisory Board - Struggling especially during these pandemic times
Work-based learning opportunities/internships
Pre-apprenticeships, Simulated work environments, Other
Minimum 60 hours for .50 credit and 120+ hours for 1.00 credit paid or unpaid.
Only HOSA for our CNA Program
Student Recruitment and Engagement
Printed materials, Guidance activities, Other
Program data collection
Multiple .... Centralized through Powerschool & Superintendents Office